Are you represented in fashion?

As I look through my social media feed at all the fashion ‘influencers’ I can’t help but think that I am not represented.
maxi dress modest fashion sew along
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As I look through my social media feed at all the fashion ‘influencers’ I can’t help but think that I am not represented. I am not represented, as a Designer in the fashion industry. I am not represented, when I flip through pages of ads and magazines. I, a black, Muslim, woman, size 12 am not represented.

When I say I, I mean us. Why is that? Are we not thin enough? Beautiful enough? Light enough?

Do we not matter?

I’m here to say we do.

I am part of the problem. Yes, as hard as it is for me to admit it. I don’t like putting myself out there. I shy away from pictures, preferring to be behind the scenes because that’s where I feel the most comfortable. The safest.

I’m challenging myself and us as a community, there needs to be more diverse representation. You don’t have to be fair skin, size 2, 5’ 11” and show every inch of skin that is legally allowed to be beautiful or sexy.

The fear of being judged and ridiculed has kept me behind the scenes. It’s a safe place to be. Without challenges there is no growth, so as uncomfortable as it is, I will put myself out there.

Just as an example, on the Eid my sister took about 30+ pictures of me in the dress I made. I criticized every. single. one! I finally shared one on Instagram, but it was painful.

I’m challenging myself to do better, for the sake of representation. We all need to be seen and supported. You are not the only one, there is a community of us that will be represented.

What do you think? Are we being represented? Leave a response in the comments.

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