3 Simple Steps to Achieve Clarity During Ramadan

The best thing about Ramadan for me is clarity of mind—the ability to think without distraction and have a deeper understanding of everything around me. For 30 days, the background

clarity during ramadan
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The best thing about Ramadan for me is clarity of mind—the ability to think without distraction and have a deeper understanding of everything around me. For 30 days, the background noise of life gets quieter. It’s a beautiful feeling.

There are many blessings in this month from feeding the hungry to breaking fast with family and all the other benefits of community. But I think what I lack when I’m on the grind every day trying to get things done, taking care of the kids, business, work, family is that I don’t take enough time to slow down and be mindful. It’s amazing how much brain energy is focused around food and eating. When that is no longer a focus, it opens up I’d say a least three hours in a day. Three whole hours! Whoa! That’s priceless! I can spend time planning and using my time and energy better and in turn am at least 15% more productive. What I strive for is to have this clarity and focus everyday, not just during the month of Ramadan. Imagine what can be accomplished in your lifetime with a laser-like focus and clarity. Nothing can stop you. Everything around you would just be noise that can be shut out when it’s too distracting.

Try doing these three simple steps to help achieve clarity during Ramadan:

  1. Spring Cleaning

    In order to get my mind right, my space has to be clean and orderly. No clutter, no mess. I systematically go from room to room and start gathering what I haven’t used for the last six months. Its either donated or thrown away. I dust, vacuum, and clean everything. I do this for two reasons;

    1. So it gets off my to do list and I can focus during Ramadan on being productive
    2. I feel more peaceful in my mind and spirit.

  2. Organize

    During the spring cleaning process I have a chance to organize things. Figure out what items are needed or should be replaced. I take it a step further to organize accumulated papers and computer files, throwing away and recycling as much as possible. I use this time to simplify and reset priorities. Reviewing priorities helps me plan each day and make each one productive.

  3. Keep Myself busy

    The best way to not think about food or how thirsty you are is to do as much as you can while fasting. Of course this is easier said then done, because your energy wanes. But on the flip side it makes the time go by faster.

What would you do with three extra hours in a day? What would you focus on? Leave a comment below.


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