2 questions to live fully in 2014

Let us make 2014 our best year yet! We can do this by doing what we say we are going to do and stepping into our greatness! Here are two

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Let us make 2014 our best year yet! We can do this by doing what we say we are going to do and stepping into our greatness! Here are two questions to ask yourself to get started.

1. What am I waiting for?

Whatever it is you want to do, whether it is to lose weight, start a business or learn something new, just start, there is no perfect time. There never will be. Not knowing where to start is the most common excuse, but start wherever you are. If you get overwhelmed then you skipped a step or two. Take two steps back and start again.

2. What am I resisting?

What you resist, persist. ~ Carl Jung

Fear of the unknown, fear of failure or success are reasons we resist moving forward. I say, this year step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to do something that you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t because the thought of doing it makes you uncomfortable. Sometimes being uncomfortable is a signal of growth, so push through and do what you know you should do anyway.

Live with fear, do your thing anyway. ~Naomi Dunford

Here’s to your best year yet! Thank you for reading. May 2014 bring you closer to you and those you love.

Much joy and success! Happy New Year!

What do plan to work on in 2014? Leave a comment below.

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