It’s Saturday night. The kids hadn’t eaten yet and I knew I’d be up for the rest of the night. The dress was finished for the most part, but I still have to sew at least 50 more beaded crystal appliqués on the dress. My Aunt was coming in from out of town, the house needed to be ready to receive guest, and there was no food in the house. Ok, spot clean the house and wash everything, done. Now fix the kids a sandwich and get their clothes ready for the big day tomorrow.
My sister was getting married and I still had her dress.
Oh yeah, what was I wearing…. I don’t have anything to wear! I also didn’t pack and don’t have everything for my trip. I have to be at the airport @ 6:30 Monday morning for an 8am flight to Montreal.
I can pack after the wedding, yeah that’s what I’ll do. Ok so put the kids to bed, set my Aunt and cousin up in the guest room, go downstairs, put on some music and start hand sewing the hell out of my sisters dress. Whew, I’m finished it’s only 2am, I still have time to make my out fit- but what? Wait, I didn’t sew in the zipper and hem my other sisters dress, ok let me knock this out real quick.
It’s 3:15am
Back to me, a dress will take too long and the design that’s in my head needs to fit right. Ok, scratch that idea–oh I know! A skirt! I’ll make a circle maxi skirt- I have a peplum top that would work with it. I’ll get the black fabric I have stashed in the closet, black goes with everything- Ok, I’m done, What? It’s 5 am already? Argh gotta’ get in the shower- pack her dress, pack my clothes and shoes -wait I have to leave food for the kids and my Aunt- but there is no food in the house. Ah D (my husband) will figure it out.
Ok do I have everything? Yes- call K (my other sister)
Be ready we gotta’ be on time! I’m coming to pick you up now!
Get her, cross the bridge to jersey- get to the hotel- foood, ah food. I remember you, missed you for two meals. No time. Grab something and go, gotta’ get my makeup done. Ah, we made it. The dress is complete, my sister looks gorgeous-

I’m not too shabby myself. And by the way, I just finished my other sisters dress too- so that’s three outfits and four sisters, yes I know- keep up. Three cups of coffee later the day was beautiful- I was put on the spot for a speech but didn’t say much for fear I would do the ugly cry and mess up my makeup.
Back home, gotta’ pack and get the girls ready for the week since I won’t be home for a couple of days. Gotta’ try not to oversleep and miss my flight.
Ah, Montreal, I see my driver- I’m in the car trying to hold a conversation and feel myself falling asleep. I apologize to him and make arrangements for later- room service and a king size bed. At that moment I could finally relax.
What did I learn from this?
I need to plan better. The weeks before I should have said no to a lot more things to make room for what I committed to. Since that time, I’ve eliminated a lot of extra commitments that I had. I have started to prioritize what is important, what can be delegated and what can be let go. In the next post I’ll share with you the tools I use now to help me stay on point.
Have you had a moment when everything had to be done now? How did you deal with it? What did you learn from it? Leave a comment, I would love to hear about it.
6 Responses
She did look A-mazing…LOL and as always my sister. You out did yourself. I am humbled by your talent and ability to multi-task. You are nothing short of the modern renaissance woman. You have an unbelieve way of turning everything you touch into gold. You are fabulous and I’m blessed to have you in my life and humbled to call you my sister.
You have me tearing up over here 🙂 – thank you my sister for your kind words. I wouldn’t have it any other way!
She looked fabulous!! Dress was beautiful and all the sisters were on point. 😉
Thanks Theonia! It was a beautiful day, the coffee kept me up lol!
You did a wonderful job! Her dress was outstanding!
Thank you Jeannie! 🙂