5 tips for a successful 2019

1. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff Look back on this past year and remember the things that made you happy, what you enjoyed. When planning for

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1. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff

Look back on this past year and remember the things that made you happy, what you enjoyed. When planning for the New Year, remember those feelings and continue doing things like that. With all that has happened within the last 3 months of this year, Hurricane Sandy, the horrific school shooting in Connecticut. Count your blessings, live everyday to it’s fullest, let the people you love know it (say it) and give more then you receive. Live with no regrets.

2. Begin with the end in mind

If you don’t know what you want, you can’t take steps to get there. Planning is focus; focus leads to success, whatever that maybe for you.

3. Be Present

Between working, running kids back and forth to school, homework, making sure the family and home are taken care of sometimes we need to step back and take it all in. Make the time you spend with family and friends count. Stop texting to the people who are not PRESENT, stop emailing the people who are not PRESENT. Be present with the people who are with you at that moment. If you have limited time – give yourself a time limit and within that time be present. Pay attention to what’s right before you.

4. Fear is the opposite of focus

I know sometimes I find myself procrastinating and finding other things to do instead of what needs to be done. Fear of being overwhelmed, fear of failure, fear of ——- you fill it in. When you lack focus ask yourself why, what is stopping me from doing —–. Once you face it, find a way to overcome it, then do. Focus!

5. Do you because everyone else is already taken

Self-explanatory. You were put on earth for a reason; no two people are exactly alike. Everyone has something to bring to the table.

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